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cigoto 2pn/2cp
Embri?n en estadio de pron?cleos ( Cigoto )
17 September 2004

2 pronuclei zygote
Normal fertilization after ICSI.
17 September 2004

3 pronuclei zygote
Abnormal fertilization after ICSI
17 September 2004

PNs of unequal sizes
A human ICSI zygote with PNs of unequal sizes
17 September 2004

Unipronuclear embryo; human
Unipronuclear embryo generated after ICSI. Polar body not clearly visible and is situated at about 1 o'clock position. In one patient, all her zygotes were unipronuclear. She achievd a pregnancy following transfer of ICSI-generated unipronuclear day 2 cleavage-stage embryos.
17 September 2004

Strange zygote
Irregular zona pellucida surrounding a fertilized oocyte by ICSI.
17 September 2004

2pn with corona cells
A nice nucleolar pattern can be seen even without denuding the oocyte.
17 September 2004

A round spermatid with acrosome cap in fresh testicular sample.
17 September 2004

Immunofluorescent Spermatozoa
Immunofluorescent depiction illustrating the presence and distribution of the platelet-activating factor receptor on spermatozoa.
Fertility and Sterility 1999;71(5):941-942.
17 September 2004

Spermac Acrosome Stain
A rapid method (Spermac stain) to analyse sperm acrosome intactness. Type 1, sperm with intact acrosome: Type 2, enzymes absent: Type 3, Broken or missing enzymes.
17 September 2004

Electron micrograph of the round-headed human spermatozoa.
17 September 2004

Sperm Comet Assay (SCGE)
DNA damage (single and double strand breaks) in alkaline comet assay is revealed by streaking tail from a diminished sperm nucleus. Fertil Steril 75:1-4,2001
17 September 2004

Sperm pinheads
A rapid method ( Test simplets ) to analyse sperm morphology. The image shows sperm "Pinheads".
17 September 2004

Sperms without acrosome.
17 September 2004

Pinhead sperm sample
Pinhead sperm sample
17 September 2004

Hemi-Zona Assay
Zona pellucida divided into two hemisphere using laser for hemizona assay test.
17 September 2004

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