Parag Nandi, ACE
11 January 2011

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The Association of Clinical Embryologists (ACE) is the professional body of and for embryologists. ACE is conceived with the intention to promote high standards of practice in clinical embryology and to support the professional interests of embryologists working in India.

ACE aim is to promote interest and understanding in the reproductive biology. This is possible by continuous research in the ART field and application of the findings to human reproduction. To achieve this goal it is essential to establish better co-ordination between scientist and clinicians.

ACE team/family is dedicated to promote clinical embryology by Continuous education in reproductive biology viz

  • Continued medical education, regional trainings,web-based learning, Certificate/PG diploma courses
  • Networking of professionals in the clinical embryology in India
  • Representation before legislative and regulatory bodies.
  • Establishment of laboratory practice guidelines.
  • Develop a code of conduct and high standards of routine lab procedures
  • Support the research activities of embryologists through collaborations with reproductive biology research groups in india and abroad
  • Consulting link-ups and experts who are on hand to fellow ACE members for consulting and troubleshooting.
  • To enable the clinical embryology practitioners the basic knowledge in life sciences and medicine so as to deal with the gametes and embryos with utmost responsibilities and ethical manner.


The office bearers and committee members wellcomes you to join ACE – India.

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